"Any significantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - from Arthur C. Clarke's Three Laws of prediction.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

An Update is Ready for Your Blog...

I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately, folks. I just realized it's been well over a month since my last post. Between breaking in a new job in my field of study, working on a musical, and a busy schedule on the home-front, I haven't gotten around to writing. Here's where I am with this blog:
  • I'm currently working on one article about digitizing vinyl records using the free program Audacity. 
  • I'm also looking into picking up a Raspberry Pi, a single-board linux-based computer developed in the UK that only costs $35 USD. Once I get a chance to play with it and see what it can do, I'll put up a review for all you techies who are looking for a new 'project computer'.
  • Finally, I'm hoping to review Michael Miller's Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory, Second Edition, a book that's given me a stronger understanding of the basics of theory and composition. As soon as I've had the chance to check out the accompanying Ear Training Course CD, I'm make sure to put something up here.
Anyway, keep checking back for updates and keep those page views coming. Sometime since my last log-on, I've broken the 1,000-viewer mark (Yay!), so thanks to all of you who've dropped by to check out what I've written!