"Any significantly advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - from Arthur C. Clarke's Three Laws of prediction.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Starship Farragut releases 'Conspiracy of Innocence'

Starship Farragut is a professionally-produced fan series set during the time of TOS. Since 2007, four full-length, live-action episodes have been released, as well as several vignettes, animated productions and comics.

Farragut's latest offering, 'Conspiracy of Innocence', takes us to an underground city where, during a first contact mission, the landing party finds their perceptions of reality challenged by a xenophobic race.

I have mixed feelings about 'Conspiracy'. One of my biggest issues with the show is that the mystery of what's going on is revealed way too early, making the rest of the episode a bit predictable. On the other hand, the story has a very TOS feel to it, which is complimented nicely by the modern widescreen aspect ratio and CG special effects.

The complete episode can be viewed on YouTube below:

Farragut's previous releases can be found on the show's YouTube channel.

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